Peter J. Scalise
On Monday, March 11th President Biden proposed a fiscal 2025 budget requesting $12.3 billion in annual funding supporting the IRS’s momentum as it builds up its enforcement efforts on both...
Peter J. Scalise
Established in 1983, the Food Bank For New York City (“the Food Bank”) has been working to end food poverty in the five boroughs of New York City (i.e., Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn...
Peter J. Scalise
The Alzheimer’s Association Accounting Industry Leadership Council (hereinafter the “Council”) was established in January of 2020, immediately before the COVID-19 pandemic was about to unfold worldwide. Regardless of these daunting...
Peter J. Scalise

The Alzheimer’s Association Accounting Industry Leadership Council (hereinafter the “Council”) was established in January of 2020, immediately before the COVID-19 pandemic was about to unfold worldwide. Regardless of these daunting...
Steel Rose
Wolters Kluwer CCH Axcess™ With Quick Start helps small accounting firms embrace the cloud
Expert solution empowers smaller firms with the award-winning collaboration, compliance and centralized firm management capabilities that larger...
Steel Rose
New York, NY (August 11, 2020) – Leading accounting, tax and advisory firm, Marks Paneth LLP, has announced that Hassan...
Steel Rose
MARKS PANETH PARTNERS JOSEPH GIAMPAPA AND MATTHEW ESTERSOHNRECEIVE NYSSCPA 40 UNDER 40 AWARDSNew York, NY (July 30, 2020) – Leading accounting, tax and advisory firm, Marks Paneth LLP, has announced...
Steel Rose
Wolters Kluwer unveils its global Touchstone Research for Internal Audit Touchstone Maturity Model helps chief audit executives assess and plan the development of their functions to better serve their organizations
Steel Rose
MARKS PANETH PARTNER DARYA SHNEYDER NAMED A RISING STAR IN REAL ESTATE BY CRAIN’SNew York, NY (July 29, 2020) – Leading accounting, tax and advisory firm, Marks Paneth LLP, has...
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